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Showing posts with the label Indonesia

Intriguing Tale of Kretek: Clove Cigarettes of Indonesia

As invigorating as Indonesian coffee and as comforting as Nasi Goreng, kretek represents a slice of Indonesia's vibrant culture. But it is more than a blend of tobacco and cloves; it's a story of heritage, ingenuity, and passionate artistry. When the sun rises in Indonesia, the morning welcomes you with a chorus of roosters and the hauntingly beautiful strains of the adhan. It is over this symphony that the distinct crackle of a lit kretek cigarette weaves its tale. These unique clove cigarettes are not just a fragrant cloud of smoke; they represent the heartbeat of Indonesia, binding the nation in an endearing aroma and a tradition passed down the generations. So, join us as we venture on an aromatic journey, tracing the story of Indonesia's kretek - a fascinating exploration that's more than just blowing smoke! Read more:  7 Best Things to Do in Yogyakarta, Indonesia Table of Content History of Kretek Cigarettes Crackling Sound of Kretek Cultural Influence of Kretek

7 Best Things to Do in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

This vivacious city, fondly known as "Jogja", doesn't just let you watch the ebb and flow of life, it entices you to dive into the brimming cauldron of culture, history, and natural beauty. In this article, we invite you on a journey of inspiring tales, vibrant life scenes, and mesmerising experiences that make Yogyakarta a paradise for globetrotters. Are you imagining the fragrance of exotic spices wafting through the markets, the quiet hum of ancient temples, or the misty grandeur of volcanic landscapes? In the coming words, we will whisk you across the bustling streets and into the hidden corners of Jogja, spotlighting the not-to-be-missed destinations and unearthing its best-kept secrets. Buckle up for an enchanting escapade through a city where tradition and modernity dance a beautiful waltz - Yogyakarta! Read more:  Best Places to Visit in Berastagi, Sumatra Table of Content Kampung Wisata Taman Sari Keraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Prambanan Temple Borobudur Museu

Best Places to Visit in Berastagi, Sumatra

Berastagi, a charming town in the northern part of Sumatra, Indonesia, is a place that is nothing short of magical. From chilly weather to horse-drawn carriages and the sweet, sweet smell of corn, Berastagi is a town that has something for everyone. That's not all - it's also famous for the breathtaking view it provides of the active volcanoes surrounding it - Mount Sibayak and Mount Sinabung, two of Indonesia's most active volcanoes. Read more: Best Bali Resorts with Private Pools Table of Content Flower & Fruit Market (Pasar Buah) Gundaling Hill Mount Sibayak Mount Sinabung Is Berastagi Worth Visiting How to Get to Berastagi Best Places to Visit in Berastagi, Sumatra Best Places to Visit in Berastagi, Sumatra Flower & Fruit Market (Pasar Buah) The town's highland location means that it enjoys a cooler climate than most other places in Indonesia, making it a popular destination for both domestic and international tourists looking to escape the heat.  The weath

Best Bali Resorts with Private Pools

The Indonesian Island of Bali – also known as the Island of the Gods – is a world-renowned paradise. Bali's colourful, highly spiritual, and distinctive culture is set against a diversified volcanic scenery of jagged coasts, sandy beaches, and lush rice terraces. If you are looking for a perfect destination for your honeymoon, or just an intimate place to relax in with your loved ones, Bali offers plenty of incredible choices. Read this article to discover the best resorts in Bali that come with a private pool! Read more: 12 Must-try Dishes in Bali, Indonesia Table of Content The Layar Designer Villas and Spa The One Boutique Villa Disini Luxury Spa Villas The Royal Bali Villas Canggu The Zala Villa Sanglung Villas Koenokoeni Villa Sejuk Beach Villas Best Bali Resorts with Private Pools Best Bali Resorts with Private Pools The Layar Designer Villas and Spa The Layar Designer Villas and Spa is located in the heart of Seminyak. Each villa is nestled in its own manicured yard, compl