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Showing posts from March, 2014

How to Use Uber: Uber in Kuala Lumpur

Let's admit it - travelling around Kuala Lumpur is a pain the ass and an agony to our wallets for having to bear for all the expenses needed for fuel and tolls just to get us to our destinations. The appalling traffic condition that hammers the city during on-peak hours (AND off-peak now, thanks to the on-going MRT constructions) only rubs salt into the wounds. Since there is no escaping the traffic congestion and the constantly increasing travelling costs, why not then let someone else do the worrying and fussing while you lounge on the back seat of a luxury vehicle and do something more pleasing like taking a #selfie or just wait around #likeaboss while you are en route to your destination? For both locals and foreigners alike, Uber is here to ease that pain and will help you accomplish just that! How to Use Uber: Uber in Kuala Lumpur Uber had its official launch in Kuala Lumpur just less than three months ago and it has now become the topic of conversations among socialit