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How to Travel Alone as Asian

In my globe-trotting escapades stretching from the cobblestone streets of Europe to the sun-kissed shores of the Caribbean, my journey as a traveller of Asian heritage has been, thankfully, largely embraced with warmth and curiosity. Yet, I'd be donning rose-tinted glasses if I were to ignore the reality many fellow Asians encounter when venturing into unfamiliar territories. Racism, subtle or overt, remains a shadow for many stepping out of their cultural comfort zones, making the idea of solo travel daunting, if not downright intimidating.

Such concerns, while valid, should not dissuade the intrepid spirit in you. The idea of navigating foreign lands alone might evoke a twinge of fear, rooted in worry about exclusion or misunderstanding. But, fear not, fellow adventurers!

The path less travelled holds untold tales waiting to be discovered by those daring enough to explore solo. To cultivate a travel experience that's as enriching as it is joyous, I've gathered some pearls of wisdom that'll serve as your compass. Let's embark on this journey together, shall we? With a dash of preparation and a spirit of adventure, we'll turn apprehensions into unforgettable memories.

Read also: Free Printable Complete Travel Packing Checklist

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How to Travel Alone as Asian

Know when to blend in

Sure, making news friends is always exciting, but overdoing it might make you look suspicious or even desperate. Travelers generally prefer associating themselves with people similar to them (birds of a feather flock together!), so if you are really in need of a travel companion, consider someone originating from the same region as you are. This makes clicking easier, and being able to have more common interests makes communication a breeze.

asian solo traveller
How to Travel Alone as Asian

Communicate in English

I have met many Asian travellers who refused to speak English - with the excuse being they too embarrassed they cannot speak it well. If white people are willing to take the effort to pick up Mandarin - a language completely new and foreign to them, then what would your excuse as an ESL-learner be to not speak English when you are needed to? Thicken up that skin and put your knowledge of the language to use!

It is a common misconception among us that every European speaks English. My visit to the Parisian suburb was a rather challenging one because the locals spoke only French. Most of the time, we resorted to using sign language for anything beyond basic phrases!

travelling asia alone female
How to Travel Alone as Asian

Avoid developing an inferiority complex

No, Asians are never a worse breed.
No, white people are not any more entitled than we are.
Cast away any racial stereotype that has been made known to you and understand that everyone is created equal. As long as you are a tourist contributing financially to another country's GDP, then the sky is the limit for what you wish to do during your visit.

Courtesy is crucial

Respect and courtesy are two critical culture values among Asians, and the practice of these values should be carried on during your travels. What you would not do in your country, should not be carried out in someone else's country, too. This vaguely includes spitting, constant yelling, and causing unnecessary trouble to others.

Standard safety measures apply

It goes without saying that the practice of common safety measures is crucial, regardless of your skin colour. This includes being aware of your surroundings at all time and the securing of important travel documents. No one gets mugged because they are Asian, but only because they are too careless.

Travel and have fun!

Often, the fears about solo travel are just in your mind. Don't let these worries stop you from doing what you love - exploring new places! Push these fears aside, let your adventurous spirit shine and embrace the journey!

When you travel alone, the world becomes an exciting place filled with new experiences, people, food, and cultures to discover. Without others to hold you back, you get to plan your adventure just the way you want it. All you need is a bit of courage to start your adventure. By leaving your fears behind, the world becomes a place to enjoy to the fullest. So grab your bag, get ready to try some amazing food, and start exploring! Travel freely, have fun, and soak in all the joys travelling can bring!

Don't miss out on sharing your travel and dining escapades with us on Instagram. Tag @rollinggrace or #RollingGrace. Enjoy your journey!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. i first travel alone to bangkok. but since its a big city thank god i survive hehe

  3. My very first Asian country to visit alone was Japan. Man - I was in for a surprise as English is widely spoken. Luckily I have a uni-mate who resides there to assist me when I boarded a wrong train to a wrong place. Hehe

    The best way to travel is to respect their cultures - we are the foreigners in their country.

  4. Bab bercakap English tu laa menjadikan Sis tak berani nak travel sengsorang sebab Sis tak fasih.. bab lelain boleh beranikan diri.. tapi tu laa.. dalam Malaysia boleh aje lee hehehehe

  5. Courtesy is the key. and our attitude actually.. Many travelers lacking of this that make their traveling experience turns bad.. another one blending, very true as well..

  6. travel alone for fenale travellers even more conscious steps to take on, agreeing that don't stop travel alone despite some concerns, just be more prepared & enjoy the journey. cheers, siennylovesdrawing

  7. nice tips, but its not applicable to me..since i hate being so lonely and hardly make new friend

  8. Thanks for the tip, actually i have traveled around asian countries alone such as singapore, indonesia, and thailand.

  9. The idea of travelling alone is great. I always have that thought of going to places alone, but nope my family won't allow me just because i'm a female. They worry about my safety.


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