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Telaga Tok Sheikh at Yan, Kedah

Nestled within the tranquil embrace of Yan, Kedah, a haven of serenity awaits—an enchanting locale known as Telaga Tok Sheikh. Steeped in the whispers of lore and the grace of time-worn traditions, this natural spring unfurls its allure amidst the verdant lull of Northern Malaysia. A visit here isn't merely a respite but a passage into the bosom of nature's finest work, where the waters are believed to carry healing virtues, as age-old tales suggest, bringing a touch of mysticism to its crystalline clarity.

As the gentle breeze carries the scent of lush greenery, it invites the wanderlust-filled souls to indulge in the sheer tranquillity of the Telaga. To set foot around the reflective pools is to step into a panorama of tranquillity—a feast for the senses and the spirit.

The local legends woven around Tok Sheikh deepen the encounter, promising an adventure that blends natural beauty with the richness of cultural heritage. The spring serves not only as a picturesque backdrop for introspection but stands as a proud sentinel to the storied past of Yan, bearing witness to the passage of time and the generations that have sought its waters.

Read also: 8 Must-Try Unique Food in Kedah

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Telaga Tok Sheikh Kedah
Telaga Tok Sheikh at Yan, Kedah

Telaga Tok Sheikh at Yan, Kedah

History of Telaga Tok Sheikh

In the year of 1136, as the tale unfurls from the annals of history, you find yourself tracing the origins of Telaga Tok Sheikh, where the word 'telaga' gently murmurs the notion of a well in the melody of Malay. This well is not just a relic of the past but a living chronicle, believed to have quenched the thirst of both man and mortar during the erection of an ambitious tower upon the revered peak of Gunung Jerai. 

Picture yourself amongst the bustling artisans and laborers of yore, where the well was not a mere convenience but the lifeblood of a momentous historical endeavour — the construction of a tower that stood witness to the sundry tales of the workers’ toil and aspirations.

Step back in time, where the fabled Kedah chronicler, Buyong Adil, in his seminal work 'Al-Tarikh Salasilah Negeri Kedah', brings to life an entourage of 12 Yemeni missionaries, helmed by the venerable Sheikh Abdullah bin Ja'afar Quamiri.

Their journey to the Malay Archipelago is an odyssey of faith, carrying the essence of their homeland to the vibrant shores of what was then known as Kalaha, or Kataha. Your imagination will stir at the thought of their venerable visit, coinciding with the reign of the illustrious Maharaja Derbar Raja II — a meeting of cultures and destinies, with Telaga Tok Sheikh bearing silent testimony to this cultural confluence.

Sip from the well of history, relish the narrative of time, and let the echoes of the past enrich your understanding of Kedah's cherished heritage.

Telaga Tok Sheikh Kedah
Telaga Tok Sheikh at Yan, Kedah

Sultanate of Kedah & Conversion to Islam

Due to his wisdom and honesty, Sheikh Abdullah bin Ja'afar Quamiri was offered the position as the royal advisor to the King of Kalaha. He managed to convince the King and his elite dignitaries into converting to Islam and becoming Muslims. The King subsequently changed his name to Sultan Muzaffar Shah, and the name of Kalaha or Kataha to Kedah.

In order to officially commemorate the changes of names, Sheikh Abdullah suggested the construction of a tower at the top of Gunung Jerai. It was intended to be used for the broadcast of the adhan or call to prayer. Just before the completion, Sheikh Abdullah has passed away. He was buried in-ground in a location close to the tower. Today, the burial site is known as Padang Tok Sheikh.

Telaga Tok Sheikh was founded during the construction of the tower. What was astonishing was that ever since then, the water in the well never stopped flowing - even during the dry season.

How to Get to Telaga Tok Sheikh

Telaga Tok Sheikh is approximately 700 metres above sea level. Upon reaching the summit of Gunung Jerai, visitors will come across a signboard which points to the exact location of the well. The one-way footpath is rather narrow and can get congested during peak visiting times. A bridge entrance will lead you to the open ground, where you can see a flat rock that was used in the past as a site to perform prayers.

gunung jerai attractions
How to get to Telaga Tok Sheikh
Telaga Tok Sheikh Kedah
Footpath leading to Telaga Tok Sheikh

Attractions & Things to Do

Visitors to Telaga Tok Sheikh typically take turns to collect the water from the well - either for drinking or to cleanse themselves by washing. Some might even bring the water home using bottles. Besides being free of chlorine, the water of Telaga Tok Sheikh is also claimed to be able to cure diseases. The coolness of the clear, magical water helps to reduce fatigue and instantly refreshes the body, mind and soul.

To really enjoy your trip to Telaga Tok Sheikh, simply observe the uniqueness of the surroundings. You may discover a big giant rock that looks like it has been cut into perfect slices, or a white line inside a rock found at Padang Tok Sheikh that is believed to be the mark for the direction of prayer or ‘qiblat’.

If you’re lucky enough, you may even be able to enter a small cave known as Gua Tok Sheikh, where you’ll see hidden rocks in the shapes of humans performing the prayer in various positions. Not to be missed is also the ‘Batu Kapal’, which is a massive rock that resembles a large ship, believed to have belonged to the late Merong Mahawangsa.

Telaga Tok Sheikh Kedah
Drink or cleanse your body with the cooling water from the Telaga Tok Sheikh
Telaga Tok Sheikh Kedah
The water from the well is cooling and refreshing
Telaga Tok Sheikh Kedah
Locals claim that the water from Telaga Tok Sheikh has healing properties

Facilities at Telaga Tok Sheikh

Public amenities such as public restrooms and prayer rooms are well maintained by the authorities. You may expect larger crowds during the weekend as there are many treasure hunters as well as spiritual believers who will spend the night at the site. Despite being banned by the authorities and the strict warnings imposed, illegal activities such as worshipping, black magic or rituals are still widespread. People of all religions flock the place in hopes of obtaining lottery ticket numbers, trading banned items such as keris or talismans, or calling the spirits of the dead.

Visiting Tips & Recommendations

While Kedah is not the most popular destination in Malaysia, it is home to some of the most historical and unique sites in the world. We highly recommend making a trip here, especially for history enthusiasts, as there are many well-preserved ancient buildings and structures. You will also find a large collection of artifacts and other items with incredible artistic, cultural, historical, or scientific importance not just to Kedah Tua - one of the oldest civilisations in Southeast Asia, but also to the world. Read about the Sungai Batu Archeological Site which dates back to the 8th century!

Contact Information

Address: Kompleks Telaga Tok Sheikh, 274, 08300 Yan, Kedah
Opening hours: All-day
Ticket price: Free entry

Happy exploring!


  1. Ada ye telaga ni?. Dah pernah ke Gunung Jerai tapi tak singgah pula telaga ni. Rupanya telaga ni dah wujud lama dah kat sini....

  2. I’ve been to Kedah before but indeed haven’t went to this Telaga Tok Sheikh yet. The place look serene and I can see how cool and refreshing the water must be right! Would love to visit there some day 😁

  3. Wow so the water source has been around 1136? OMG...that's like almost another1000 years. To know that people actually bring the water home is interesting.

  4. Belum pernah sampai ke puncak Gunung Jerai lagi. Pernah dengar juga tentang telaga nih, jernih betul ye airnya. Thanks for sharing.

  5. dah lama tak dengar tentang telaga tok sheikh. sangat popular suatu masa dulu. harapnya tak dilupakan di masa akan datang

  6. Air dia nampak sejuk dan jernih. Rupanya ada sejarah ttg telaga ni ya.. sangat menarik

  7. such a nice place. harap pengunjung dapat jaga kebersihan kawasan supaya tak kotor

  8. Semasa ke Gunung Jerai tak sempat ke telaga Tok Syeikh ni. Baru tahu air tersebut dikatakan boleh jadi penawar penyakit. Lagipun air gunung mesti lah bersih kan.

  9. Mesti airnya sejuk ajaa tu kann.. kadang kalau telaga gini bileh juga buat berubat.. macam peri Hang Tuah kan..

  10. Never heard of this place. Interesting history and funny how ppl continue to do black magic and ask for lottery numbers there.

  11. tak perasan pulak ada telaga ni dekat sini. rasanya last ke area yan masa sekolah dulu kut, ada kem sekolah dekat situ :) thanks sharing info2 ni ya

  12. Terbaik infonya.. boleh jadi panduan untuk masa depan.. tak pernah sampai Kedah lagi..

  13. I dah lama sangat nak pergi yan sebab banyak sangat tarikan best. Tunggu boleh rentas negeri terus susun jadual

  14. Wahhh jernih yee air dia. Nyaman je. Nina belum pernah sampai lagi Gunung Jerai ni. Nanti kalau ada kesempatan boleh pergi melawat.

  15. Wahh, another nice attraction at Gunung Jerai to be explore soon! putting this in the list for now.. once boleh travel, will definitely go and experience this!thanks for the info (Y)

  16. Wah its my first time get to know about this place i wish to visit when the interstate ban is lifted.


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